About Michael Moran

Hello Friends, I’m running for Howard-Suamico school board because I want my children to get a quality education. Part of how we accomplish this is in person learning. I feel very strongly that we need to take the steps necessary so our children can attend school in person. Right now our district is dealing with learning loss from last year and we’re never going to get ahead if we don’t keep kids in school safely.

If I’m elected I’ll push for those policies that keep our kids safe and allow them to stay in the classroom. I’ll also work to enact policies to help combat the learning loss and make sure our district is performing at its best.

We also need to make sure our board is accountable to itself and to the community. If I’m given the opportunity to serve I will push to make sure our board is making decisions in the full light of the public and not behind closed doors.

Thank you for your support.